'What Was I Thinking' is a show about dating nightmares, Minimum donation - £0.50p
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Cotton shopping bag. £12.50 or pay what you want.
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Carry me around in your pocket and take me everywhere you go... £3.50 or pay what you want.
Fridge Magnet £3.50 or pay what you want.
Hello, I Bring to you a Fabulous Phannie Bar Necklace in a lovey posh box. £15 or pay what you want.
Spouting Nonsense An Online Comedy Chat Show, Bringing Light to Dark Days, Minimum donation - £0.50p
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Thank you for supporting us with your donations. Keep tuning in and get involved 😜👌 Minimum 50p
Quizzically Challenged is a quiz show with a twist. Funny answers score more than correct ones ! 50p Minimum
You can also add a little extra ( from as little as 50p) to help pay comedians who have lost their incomes Thx
55% OFF FOR BLACK PPHANNIE FRIDAY 😱BLUE, RED, PINK & YELLOW PDF/PP £10.00 or pay what you want.
The ABC of How to Feel Happier PDF £5.50 or pay what you want.
Peculiar Pastimes and Other Inappropriate Behaviour PDF £5.50 or pay what you want.
Ian Does My Titends In!!! PDF £5.50 or pay what you want.
More Peculiar Pastimes PDF £5.50 or pay what you want.
GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE & BLACK PDF/PP £9.50 or pay what you want.
Phannie Mag! Ya' Never Forget Your First PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
Walkie Talkie Fun and The Meaning of Life PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
What Would You Do With A Monkey?/ Chicken Dippers PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
UNboxing The Paedos PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
Spades and Hearts PDF/PP £5.50 or pay what you want.
Museum of Illusions Prague PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
Allotment Life (And more Golden Oldies) PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.
GOLD & BRONZE PDF's/PP £8 or pay what you want.
Lovely Way to Spend an Hour PDF £3.50 or pay what you want.