Fri 9th Feb 2024 at 8:00pm ends 10:15pm

The Savoy Theatre, Collenna Road, Tonyrefail, Porth, UK - Map

Stand-Up Comedy

Drew Taylor presents:

Drew Taylor - Mo' Funny, Mo' Problems...


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After 8 years of performing and writing, with over a 1000 gigs on the UK comedy circuit and over a million views online , Drew Taylor brings a brand new show to the Savoy Theatre in Tonyrefail. 

A sharp observational style combined with a strong stage presence combine with a lovely slow Welsh voice makes for a naturally funny comic who’s just great to listen to. In total command of the room his relaxed and assured person is uber funny.

Here's some feedback on his last solo hour of Comedy "This is why we can't have nice things" From the Small Space Theatre in Barry:

"Drew Taylor is A Class Act. From the moment Drew spoke, in his disarmingly quiet tone, he had the audience completely on board for the ride and what an hilarious ride it was. His relatable and sometimes off-beat moments were properly funny but probably his greatest skill is having people listen to every word he says and the control he has over a crowd is extremely impressive. Very quick-witted, sharp as a tac and his beautifully timed punchlines are sublime - he has a quality that instantly relaxes an audience because they know Drew Taylor is fully switched on, can hold a room and make people laugh - he's effortlessly funny and that's not something you see all the time. Drew Taylor is simply a great comic (and he'll hate me for saying it) and is as modest and thoroughly lovely off stage as he is on - just buy a ticket to see Drew Taylor - a naturally funny funny man."


Support on the night will come from:

Chris Chopping


Line Up:
Drew Taylor

Age Restrictions:

Venue opens at:

Venue closes at:


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