Nicola B reviewed Sofa SoFunny! featuring Fiona Ridgewell, Dick Denham & friends which happened on Tue 28th Nov 2023.
Review posted at 3:32pm on Wed 29th Nov 2023.

Leslie Gold


Jane M reviewed Sofa SoFunny! featuring Fiona Ridgewell, Dick Denham & friends which happened on Tue 28th Nov 2023.
Review posted at 3:13pm on Wed 29th Nov 2023.

Leslie Gold

Would you recommend to a friend?

Andrew F reviewed Sofa SoFunny So Fringe: only London preview! which happened on Sat 22nd Jul 2023.
Review posted at 10:14am on Mon 24th Jul 2023.

Leslie Gold

Would you recommend to a friend?

David & N reviewed Sofa SoFunny! featuring David Hoare, Jessica Aszkenasy & friends which happened on Mon 12th Jun 2023.
Review posted at 3:13pm on Tue 13th Jun 2023.

Leslie Gold

Would you recommend to a friend?

Christine M reviewed Sofa SoFunny! featuring Viggo Venn, Vix Leyton & friends which happened on Mon 27th Mar 2023.
Review posted at 10:00am on Wed 29th Mar 2023.

Leslie Gold
Great MC…got the crowd excited and laughing loads in between. Nice to have an MC who is supportive, and funny.

Would you recommend to a friend?

Sarah B reviewed Sofa SoFunny! featuring Viggo Venn, Vix Leyton & friends which happened on Mon 27th Mar 2023.
Review posted at 3:32pm on Tue 28th Mar 2023.

Leslie Gold

Would you recommend to a friend?